Finding the way forward
When your body is letting you down, it’s hard to know what steps to take. It’s easy to get lost and confused with all the medical terminology – and the Internet of Dr Google can easily lead you down the wrong path.
My job is to work with you and the health professionals involved in your care to help you understand your body. I use everyday language and simple explanations so you get the insight you need.
By knowing where you are, we can then work on setting personalised goals to get you to where you need to be.
My aim is to empower you with your health and gain clarity on how nutrition and lifestyle comes into play.

My job is to work with you and the health professionals involved in your care to help you understand your body. I use everyday language and simple explanations so you get the insight you need.

Years of clinical experience
My understanding of health doesn’t just come from years of clinical experience and research. It comes from personal experience.
I have been through a roller coaster ride of health challenges with chronic long term conditions in tow. I know what it’s like to feel lost and confused.
I know what it can feel like to be in your shoes.
By talking, by understanding your story as well as the science, we can find the path forward to your journey of change.
Christine Everest, Clinical Dietitian