My Story

I grew up spending a lot of time in my parents’ restaurants. I loved the hustle and bustle and was spoilt with delicious seafood and other restaurant delicacies from a young age.

However, it was not a love of food that led me to become a dietitian. It was my health and that of my family’s that drove me to gain a better understanding of various medical conditions and how food and lifestyle comes into play.

I am also a mum of two very active preschoolers. I know what it’s like to juggle different balls in the air, the challenges of maintaining a work-life balance, and on top of that, still making time to look after ourselves (and not feel guilty for it!). I also know the feeling when you feel your body is letting you down, and at times, it is certainly not for a lack of trying.

I am on a personal mission. I am out to help people navigate through their journey and health challenges. Will you let me help you or your loved one?

Christine Everest